The forms of payment result from the form of cooperation – the hourly rate agreed upon with the Client, the degree of complexity of the case, of the legal issue, and the projected amount of work we will need to perform. To adapt to the needs of our Clients, we propose a number of different settlement methods.

The four basic forms are as follows:



Applied usually in so-called typical orders, in the cases of which there is the possibility to determine, quite precisely, the planned time of work needed to perform the given order. The remuneration for the legal services rendered on the basis of the assumed hourly rate is the product of the number of hours devoted to the performance of the order/partial orders, and the hourly rate,

agreed upon in advance with the Client. The VAT tax rate, based on the effective provisions of the law, is then added to the resulting amount. Before making the decision on the form of settlement, the Clients are given the information on the possibility to select hourly rate for settlements, and the projected time of work needed.


On account of rendering legal services consisting in full, day-to-day legal services to a Client, there is the possibility to determine the remuneration in the form of a lump sum with limited number of hours.

If we assume that the total time of work in the given month comprises a stable number of hours, the settlement is based on a fixed monthly fee. In the case of exceeding the agreed limit of time of work, the amount of the specified lump sum remuneration will be supplemented with the value for the time of work over that limit, upon the general rules assumed for such settlements.



That form of settlements is usually used for entrepreneurs, public institutions, and more rarely – for natural persons. The system of lump sum remuneration with unlimited hours consists in indicating, in the agreement on legal services, the monthly remuneration on account of rendering legal services consisting in full, complex legal services to the Client.

The monthly remuneration rate is determined through negotiations and depends on many factors: size of the enterprise, type of conducted activities and degree of complexity of the entrepreneur's legal condition, the selected form of cooperation (there is the possibility of in-house services, i.e. permanent legal services in the seat of the given company), projected monthly number of ordered cases, etc.


By noticing various needs of our Clients, we also offer the possibility to undertake the cooperation consisting in the legal services for a specific investment process or real property development project. In the case of choosing that form of cooperation, the remuneration rules will be agreed individually through negotiations

The amount of remuneration results from the degree of complexity of the pending or projected administrative proceedings, the value of the planned investments, the level of responsibility for the activities taken, the number and level of risks, the projected duration of legal assistance, etc.

If you are interested in detailed rules of cooperation, please feel welcome to pay a visit to the seat of our Office,
where we will certainly arrive at a model of cooperation, which will be consistent with your needs, while drinking a cup of aromatic coffee.